原名:Build Your Dream Body: Breaking the Lies and Myths of the Fitness Industry So You Can Build Lean, Hard Muscle and Shred Fat Using Simple and Proven Techniques That Get Res...

Peter-Paulson 2023-08-09

原名:Naturally Triple Your Testosterone: A Guide to Hacking Your Hormones and Becoming Superhuman by Peter Paulson 作品简介:随着时间的推移,你的睾丸激素水平直线下降……这是不可接...

Peter-Paulson 2023-08-04

原名:Intermittent Fasting 101: A Simple Guide to Losing Fat, Building Muscle and Becoming an Alpha Male by Peter Paulson 作品简介:间歇性禁食 101 “终于有了一个有效且我可以接受的...

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原名:Eat More, Weigh Less: Learn the Simple Strategy to Dropping Pounds and Shredding Fat While Eating What You Want and Avoiding False Diets by Peter Paulson 作品简介:节食很糟...

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原名:Upgrade Your Body & Mind: Simple Secrets & Strategies to Burn Fat Fast as Hell, Build Muscle, Get Lean, Upgrade Your Health & Improve Your Brain With Memory Ti...

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