原名:Computer animation complete [electronic resource] : all-in-one : learn motion capture, characteristic, point-based, and Maya winning techniques by Rick Parent 作品简介:.....

Rick-Parent 2023-08-08

原名:Computer animation: algorithms and techniques by Rick Parent 作品简介:在娱乐行业对更好、更逼真的动画的需求的推动下,技术不断发展和改进。这项技术背后的算法和技术是这本综合...

Rick-Parent 2023-08-08

原名:Computer Animation Complete: All-in-One: Learn Motion Capture, Characteristic, Point-Based, and Maya Winning Techniques by Rick Parent 作品简介:作为一名 3D 动画师和讲师...

Rick-Parent 2023-08-03

原名:Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) by Rick Parent 作品简介:关于逆运动学的部分非常好,它很好地介绍了一些基础...

Rick-Parent 2023-08-03
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