原名:Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio by Tony Hillerson 作品简介:对于中级程序员、初级声音设计师来说。声音为您的本机、网络或移动应...

Tony-Hillerson 2023-08-11

原名:Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio by Tony Hillerson 作品简介:声音为您的本机、网络或移动应用程序提供了额外的维度,这对于游戏来...

Tony-Hillerson 2023-08-05

原名:Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio by Tony Hillerson 作品简介:声音为您的本机、网络或移动应用程序提供了额外的维度,这对于游戏来...

Tony-Hillerson 2023-08-05
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